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Topical Discussion Board Five Essay Three

Discussion Board Five

Q In the following discussion board, please post and discuss your thesis statement and macro outline for Essay Three (An example thesis statement and macro outline are posted HERE; mainly, this example will provide you with a guide for organizing your ideas, as it does not include all of the details you will want in your outline ). Be sure to include the following information in your discussion board posting: 1. 1. Write your complete thesis statement for Essay Three (please review your third essay assignment for a reminder of the assignment's directives). 2. Indicate the "Pro" article's specific purpose, and explain why you chose this specific purpose. Possible specific purposes are to convince, to justify, to validate, to condemn, to expose, to incite, to celebrate, to defend, or to question. Be sure to only choose from this provided list. 3. Indicate the "Con" article's specific purpose, and explain why you chose this specific purpose. Possible specific purposes are to convince, to justify, to validate, to condemn, to expose, to incite, to celebrate, to defend, or to question. Be sure to only choose from this provided list. 4. Write a macro outline for Essay Three. You are welcome to model yours on the example outline provided above, but please recognize that I did not include examples for all of the tools and appeals; you will need to include your examples. 5. Indicate any questions or concerns you currently have about your thesis statement, outline, and/or the assignment in general. Instructions for posting: Be sure to create a new thread when you post your original response with your name in it. When replying to other posts, please post on their original thread. (NOTE: A "thread" is a new "post." To post on the same "thread," click "reply" on another student's post.) When writing your initial post (for directives 1, 2, 3, and 5), be sure to write in complete sentences and to number your responses. For directive 4, your macro outline should be organized as shown in the above-posted example. You also need to use complete sentences when providing your two responses; these responses should be substantive and well-developed (commenting on the initial poster's thesis and outline). For this DB, you will be graded on the writing itself, as well as on fully answering all required areas of the post. See the grading rubric posted below for further details. Due Dates: There are two required parts to this activity: 1. Your initial post. Due Monday, February 21, by 11:59 p.m. 2. Your response to two classmates' posts. Due Tuesday, February 22, by 11:59 p.m. NOTE: The discussion board closes at 11:59 p.m. CST on Tuesday, February 22, so you cannot make late submissions.

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1. In the pro/con article “Abortion Controversies”, Wondolowski primarily uses pathos, facts and ethos, on the other hand, Morrison primarily uses common ground, logos and facts to support their claims on abortion rights. 2. I believe that Wondolowski is trying to justify the information on abortion should be delivered to the patients who want to know about pregnancy. 3. I believe that Morrison is validating the government’s decision of not funding the “pro-abortion messages”.